Neretva Wiki
Jezero i brana u Preocu pod Šatorom nad izvorištem Unca 30651806

Prekajsko Lake beneath Šator Mt., the Unac River headwaters.

Preodac Lake is an artificial lake of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Unac River.

The Unac River rises beneath Šator mountain, flows through the municipality of Drvar and finally meets the Una River in Martin Brod. It's dammed to form small Preodac Lake and few kilometers downstream larger Župica Lake, before it reach town of Drvar in the municipality of Drvar.

However, Preodac Lake collects waters of numerous small streams of the slopes of Šator mountain, hence, could be considered to represent the Unac headwaters

See also[]

  • List of lakes in Bosnia and Herzegovina

